Catholic Schoolgirl Boy 9

Catholic Schoolgirl Boy 9


*** Inspiring Music ***

More graceful than a ballerina!

Smarter than the class nerd!

Able to backstab a mean girl while looking them in the eyes!

Look in the schoolyard. It's a graduating senior. It's the teacher's pet. It's Catholic Schoolgirl Boy

Yes, it's Catholic Schoolgirl Boy, a strange boy from a public high school, who came to your school with powers and abilities far beyond those of ordinary schoolgirls. Catholic Schoolgirl Boy who can pass the most difficult AP tests; make the class bully cry. And who disguised as an ordinary schoolgirl, wearing the same schoolgirl uniform you wear, fights a never-ending battle for high grades, peaceful hallways, and strict adherence to the dress code.

And now another exciting episode in the adventures of Catholic Schoolgirl Boy.


Adrian was in the mall. Everyone was clapping for him. No, they weren't clapping for him. He was dressed at Catholic Schoolgirl Boy. That is who they were clapping for. No one knew Adrian. Did Adrian even really exist. He was spending less and less time as Adrian.

"Wake Up, Wake Up," he heard Aimee call. He felt a hand shaking him on the shoulders.

It was just a dream.

"Sorry, I must have fell asleep."

"No problem. I have something to show you: a uniform."

Adrian looked in the bag. It was a uniform from the parochial school that Aimee attended. But it wasn't her uniform. It didn't have a skirt, it didn't have tights. It was a boy's uniform.

"What's this for?"

"I want you to transfer to my school. You're there all the time. You had might as well become a real student."

"You want what?"

"If you were there, I could see you all the time."

"You already do."

"We could walk in the halls like boyfriend and girlfriend. I could show you off to my friends."

"I'm not even Catholic."

"That doesn't matter. Besides that doesn't stop you from going to classes."

"But, that is only when I'm working."

"Oh just put it on."

"Come on."

"For me."

"I guess so."

"Oh and wear it with your cross. You know for authenticity."

Adrian took the uniform out. It looked small to him. He was much bigger than Aimee when he had his 'real' body.

He grabbed the button-up shirt and put his arm through the sleeves. He could get the shirt around himself, but there was a big gap between the opposing buttons.

"See I told you it wouldn't fit."

"Put on your cross and you'll shrink into the proper size."

"Did this uniform belong to someone?"

"Yeah, a boy I know. He's in the sixth grade and needs your help."

"I can't."

"You can't? You help everyone else."

"Not as Catholic Schoolgirl Boy. I can only change into a schoolgirl. It doesn't work with boys."

"Really? I didn't know that."

"That is why I'm Catholic Schoolgirl Boy. Not Catholic School boy."

"It won't work?"


"Maybe when I'm one of the girls at your school, I can help hime while I'm helping the another girl?"

"I promised him. Maybe could be Catholic Schoolgirl Boy? Look it almost fits me now. I mean except in a few areas. Let's see if my shirt will close."

"Not with your chest."


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